  1. 1. Basic
  2. 2. Movement
  3. 3. Magit
  4. 4. Org mode
  5. 5. Dired mode
  6. 6. Helm
  7. 7. tumx


Key Description
SPC p f search find in the same project
SPC p p open project
SPC w m max the current windows
ALT ; uncomment
gcc comment out a line
gc comment out highlighted text
SPC w / vertical
SPC w - horizontal
SPC f e d edit spacemacs profile
SPC f f open file
SPC w c close the window
SPC t l toggle lines
C-x h select the entire buffer
C-h m show available commands for the current modes
SPC a d Dired mode : 1. Copy file : C 2. Delete the file : D 3. Rename the file : R 4. Create a new directory : + 5. Reload directory listing : g
C-b Move back one full screen
C-f Move forward one full screen
C-d Move forward 1/2 screen
C-u Move back (upA)1/2 screen
/sudo::/path/to/file Open a file with su/sudo
r in spacemacs buffer Open from the recent file list
SPC o y Copy to clipboard
SPC o p Paste from clipboard
/ssh: :/home/szhou/ ssh remote edit file
SPC s c clear the highlight of search
“2p paste the 2nd-last yanked lines
SPC r l resume the last helm session


Key Description
C-u up half page
C-d down half page
d-0 delete to the beginning of the line


Key Description
SPC g s show Magit status view
j k position the cursor on a file
TAB show and hide the diff for the file
s stage a file (u to unstage fa file and x to discard changes to a file)
cc commit
,c finish the commit message
p u Push to upstream
F (r) u Pull tracked branch and rebase

Org mode

Key Description
M-x org-mode enable Org mode
M-shift-RET Add a TODO list
C-c C-t Mark as completed
C-c C-x C-b toogle checkbox
C-c C-t TODO to DONE
Alt-Up or Down Move the item
C-c C-x C-w Delete the item
Alt-Right Demote a headline
Alt-Shit-Left To promote a subtree
C-c C-e To start the exporter
h o Export to a web page and open
t A Export as an ADCII text file

Dired mode

Key Description
SPC a d enable Dired Mode


Key Description
SPC r l resume the last helm session


Key Description
prefix :setw synchronize-panes off (ctrl + y)stop sending same command for all paines in windows
prefix :setw synchronize-panes on (ctrl + u)start sending same command for all paines in windows
prefix r reload the tmux configuration
prefix d Deatach the session
  1. 1. Basic
  2. 2. Movement
  3. 3. Magit
  4. 4. Org mode
  5. 5. Dired mode
  6. 6. Helm
  7. 7. tumx