  1. 1. Azure architecturue foundations
    1. 1.1. Resource organization
    2. 1.2. Naming Standards
    3. 1.3. Organize resources by Tag
    4. 1.4. Azure policy and RBAC
    5. 1.5. Resource locks
    6. 1.6. Monitorinig and alerting
  2. 2. Cloud application architecture
  3. 3. N-tier application architecture
  4. 4. Hybrid cloud architecture
  5. 5. setup storage account readonly account

Azure architecturue foundations

subscriptions, management, governance

Resource organization

  • Management group for each environment (Prod, Dev, and Test)
  • Subscription for each “application categorization”
  • Separate resource group for each application
  • Consistent nomenclature at each level of this hierarchy
    resource organization

    Naming Standards

  • Azure resource names are important
  • it’s difficult to change names later
  • Names must meet requirements specific to their resource type
    naming and tagging

    Organize resources by Tag

  • Allows you to add metadata to Azure resources
  • Allows you to query resources using the same tags
  • Not all resource types support tags

    Azure policy and RBAC

  • Policies enforce rules against your resources
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) controls user actions

    Resource locks

  • Prevent accidental resource changes

    Monitorinig and alerting

    monitoring and alerting

Cloud application architecture

Azure architecture center

N-tier application architecture

n-tier applicatioin architecuture

Hybrid cloud architecture

hybrid cloud architecture

Azure bastion

setup storage account readonly account

The few roles have given to user:

  1. Reader on subscription: let user view everthing, but not make any change
  2. Storage Blob Data Reader on Storage account: Read and list azure storage containers and blobs.
  1. 1. Azure architecturue foundations
    1. 1.1. Resource organization
    2. 1.2. Naming Standards
    3. 1.3. Organize resources by Tag
    4. 1.4. Azure policy and RBAC
    5. 1.5. Resource locks
    6. 1.6. Monitorinig and alerting
  2. 2. Cloud application architecture
  3. 3. N-tier application architecture
  4. 4. Hybrid cloud architecture
  5. 5. setup storage account readonly account