  1. 1. What is Apache CloudStack
    1. 1.1. Key features
    2. 1.2. Key components/terminology

What is Apache CloudStack

  • Top level Apache Software Foundation project for cloud computing
  • Cloud computing framework to deploy IaaS cloud- private, public or hybrid
  • Supports all popular hypervisors for virtualization
  • Written in Java. Provides APIs and web GUI for management and administration

Key features

  • Rich management interface
  • Powerful API
  • Dynamic workload management
  • Secure, configurable and extensible architecture

Key components/terminology

  • Region
  • Largest Organizational Unit with a CloudStack Deployment
  • Consists of one or more zones
  • Zone
  • Consists of one or more pods
  • Contains one or more primary storage servers
  • Consists of a secondary storage
  • Pod
  • Contains one or more clusters
  • Contains primary storage servers
  • Cluster
  • Consists of a group of identical hosts running a common hypervisor
  • Contins one or more primary storage servers
  • Host
  • Smallest orgnizational unit within a Cloustack deployment
  • Has hypervisor to manage the guest VMs
  • Provides the computing resources that run guest VMs.
  • Primary storage
    iSCSI; NFS; Ceph; Gluster; Local FileSystem
  • Secondary storage
    Templates; ISO images; Disk volume; snapshots


  • Cloud computing is more efficient than traditional IT infrastructure deployment and management
  • Cloud can be deployed in public, private and hybrid configurations
  • Cloud services can be provided as IaaS, PaaS or SaaS.
  • Apache CloudStack is an open source IaaS cloud platform
  • Apache CloudStack si very robust, extensible and open platform
  1. 1. What is Apache CloudStack
    1. 1.1. Key features
    2. 1.2. Key components/terminology