  1. 1. Multiple file edit
  2. 2. Replace string globally
  3. 3. evil-tutor
  • a way to change errors
  • execute an external command
  • writing files
  • remove the file
  • to save part of the file
  • retrieves disk file FILENAME and inserts it into the current buffer following the cursor position
  • opens a line BELOW the cursor and places the cursor on the open line in insert state
  • opens a line ABOVE the cursor and places the cursor on the open line in insert state
  • R to replace more than on character
  • Multiple file edit

    Open multiple files in separate tab via vim -p file1.txt file2.txt.
    If already open just use :tabe file2.txt.
    Just 1gt, 2gt, use gt to view.
    Close tabs using :tabc

    Replace string globally



    / followed by a phrase searches FORWARD for the phrase
    ? followed by a phrase searches BACKWARD for the phrase
    After a search type n to find the next occurrence in the same direction
    or N to search in the opposite direction.

    Type % to find a matching ),], or }
    The cursor should be on the matching parenthesis or bracket.

    a way to change errors

    :s/old/new to substitute ‘new’ for first ‘old’s on a line type
    :s/old/new/g to substitute ‘new’ for all ‘old’s on a line type
    :#,#s/old/new/g to substitute phrases between two line #’s type
    :%s/old/new/g to substitute all occurrences in the file type
    :%s/old/new/gc to ask for confirmation each time add ‘c’

    execute an external command

    :! external command

    writing files

    :w TEST

    remove the file

    :!rm TEST

    to save part of the file

    :#,# w FILENAME

    retrieves disk file FILENAME and inserts it into the current buffer following the cursor position


    opens a line BELOW the cursor and places the cursor on the open line in insert state


    opens a line ABOVE the cursor and places the cursor on the open line in insert state


    R to replace more than on character

    R enters Repace mode until is pressed to exit.

    1. 1. Multiple file edit
    2. 2. Replace string globally
    3. 3. evil-tutor
  • a way to change errors
  • execute an external command
  • writing files
  • remove the file
  • to save part of the file
  • retrieves disk file FILENAME and inserts it into the current buffer following the cursor position
  • opens a line BELOW the cursor and places the cursor on the open line in insert state
  • opens a line ABOVE the cursor and places the cursor on the open line in insert state
  • R to replace more than on character